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Gender Specific Accommodations at FIT

Gender Specific Accommodations

In York City, it is illegal to discriminate based on gender. It is therefore in violation of the NYC Human Rights Law (NYCHRL) for covered entities to refuse to sell, rent or lease housing to someone because of their actual or perceived gender, including being transgender, non-binary or gender non-conforming. This means that if you are female or cisgender, you have the same rights to accommodation when it comes to your housing as everyone else in the university community.

In response to this situation, FIT has implemented a gender inclusive option within our housing that allows students who complete the Gender Inclusive Housing Agreement to be assigned rooms/suites regardless of their legal sex during the housing assignment process. This option is available in our apartment style buildings, including Prettyman, Richmond, and Scarborough. Students interested in this option can indicate this on their application and pay a separate housing deposit.

York student accommodation who choose this option will be placed into a room/suite with other students who select this preference during the housing selection process. They must be willing to share a bedroom, living area and possibly bathroom with students of different gender identities and/or expressions. In order to be assigned to this housing option, a student must have completed their housing application and paid the required housing deposit by the deadline.

Gender Specific Accommodations at FIT

A student who chooses a York student accommodation can change their preference at any time by updating their myHousing profile prior to a new student being assigned into the same space. However, if a student who chooses a GI space is in the middle of a roommate swap and they want to change their GI preference but do not have another gender-inclusive space available, the new roommate will need to be of the same sex as them at birth.

It is important to understand that transitioning is a process that takes time and can be a highly personal and emotional journey for many people. We are committed to accommodating individuals in the best way possible during this period of their lives, and will continue to assess each request on a case-by-case basis.

The future of student accommodation lies in seamless technology integration. Providing high-speed internet, smart home features, and mobile applications for housing-related tasks enhances students’ living experience. Virtual reality tours of accommodations and online booking systems streamline the process of finding suitable housing.

When it comes to housing, we take pride in our ability to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all of our students. We will continue to work diligently to ensure that all our students have the opportunity to thrive at FIT, regardless of their gender identity. If you need accommodation for any reason, please contact our office to discuss your options with a member of our staff. We look forward to hearing from you!

If you live in catered accommodation then breakfast and dinner are included in the price of your rent. All you need to do is turn up at mealtimes and show your University ID card when asked. You can choose from a range of meals which are prepared by experienced chefs in the dining hall, making it an ideal place to meet new friends and catch up with flatmates.

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