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Choosing a sacred love partner with your emotional body Wisdom

The best dating advice I can offer you is that our bodies have infinite intelligence. Body Wisdom is designed to help guide us to happiness and fulfillment. Each area of ​​the body speaks to a different part of our psychology for romance. We tend to feel more comfortable using our minds to gain rational understanding and to draw conclusions and make decisions. However, different parts of our body can give us an even more accurate reading on a given situation if we learn to use it.

The cardiac, sexual and spiritual centers can be fundamental in helping to decide if a possible love relationship would be correct or not. In modern history, the heart has been considered a voice of relational intelligence. Literature, music and romantic cinema have spun numerous stories of someone led by the heart towards a love object or running away from a partner because they have broken their hearts.

We can use the intelligence of the heart to find out if someone is a good love or even a true love match for us by observing what emotions we feel in our heart when we are around or thinking about a potential love partner. Are we experiencing love, happiness, and laughter, or are we feeling tense, uncomfortable, and insecure at heart? One may feel a combination of emotions, which means that spending more time with that person will be essential to get a clear reading and make an informed decision.

Our sexual center can also provide us with valuable information and insights in choosing a suitable romantic partner. We can tune into our sexual emotional body wisdom to discern its more subtle messages for love and sexual relationships. The sexual organs will initially exhibit attraction, what some call chemistry, or revulsion towards a potential mate. But that’s just an initial indicator of whether someone might be a suitable sexual partner. If we observe a sexual attraction objectively, the sexual center will also share broader feelings with us.

For example; we can learn to detect what sensations are present in the sexual center when we see or think of a potential partner. Are there feelings of openness, relaxation, and positive energy, or are there feelings of resistance, numbness, discomfort, and pain in the sexual center? We can feel something of both. Mixed feelings would indicate that you will need more information before you can get a clear read on a potential partner.

The spiritual connection is deeply important to developing a sacred relationship. The spiritual center of the body is between the crown of the head and the third eye point between the eyebrows. One can tune into the spiritual energy of a potential mate in two ways. Communicate first, share your values, beliefs, and the experiences that are meaningful to you, and ask questions about theirs. Be aware if there is harmony in those values ​​and beliefs, and if you perceive that you can grow and be supported in your spiritual nature and chosen path. The spiritual aspect dictates how long and with what capacity the association could nurture the personal evolution of each soul. You can also observe the spiritual energy emanating from a potential mate and be aware of how their energy feels with yours. Does your spiritual energy make you feel light, serene, comforted, inspired or does it make you feel heavy, disturbed, cold, confused? Time and observation are the best tools for this analysis.

To make the best decision of whether or not a relationship will be right for you; you have to take into account the energies of the heart, sexual and spiritual. When an intimate relationship is a sacred encounter our heart, sexual and spiritual centers will feel equally good and in unanimous agreement. When it is not correct, they will unanimously disagree. The hard part is when these voices are experiencing different things that are in conflict. One may feel love for someone who may not be the right partner to bond sexually with. A person for whom you feel a great sexual attraction may not be the right partner to open and share your heart. One can feel a deep spiritual connection with someone for whom one does not feel love or sexual chemistry. In this case it is best to reflect on the subtle messages in your heart, sexual and spiritual centers before making a decision.

There are other factors that contribute to good relationships, such as respect, honesty, generosity, responsiveness, and having compatible wants and needs in relationships. However, figuring out how to listen to the voices of the heart, sexual, and spiritual and tune them together is key to good relationship decision-making. Continued practice will help you learn to clearly assess your signals and trust your guidance. When the cardiac, sexual and spiritual centers are in approval; You will gain more confidence in the wisdom of your own emotional body to help you choose sacred, joyful, and loving relationships.

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